Welcome to Solutions, web based tutorials and examples on how JBJF can be used for batch processing solutions. The Solutions tutorials and examples use a fictitious e-Retail site that sells various software products to people. The examples use Credit Card transactions Order Entry, Billing and Fulfillment to provide a well rounded solution.
We've tried to organize the examples and tutorials in a logical manner, from Order Entry, to Billing and finally Fulfillment of a customer order.
Solutions Requirements
Solutions presented here use the JBJF Test environment, a complete Eclipse project that the JBJF Team uses for testing JBJF releases. Like all JBJF projects, the JBJF Test project uses CVS Tagged versions to control versioning. So when you are trying to utilize Solutions here, make sure the versions match the JBJF Test version. So before you try a solution you need to download and configure the JBJF Test environment. See the JBJF Testing for complete details.
Solutions are packaged as Eclipse projects, a zipfile. These are easily imported into most Eclipse distributions. While it's possible to alsi use NetBeans, Jdeveloper and other IDEs, we do not support these IDEs, so you'll need to develop your own Import procedures...Feel free to contribute those and link the instructions back to our site or send them to the JBJF Help mailbox and we'll link them in and put them up on the site.
Finally, Solutions are packaged as-is and they are not intended as tutorials. It is assumed that you've worked through the Basics, Plugin and Database Tutorials and you are well versed in JBJF Concepts such as named resources, plugin definitions and the Job Stack. The goal of Solutions is to build a Library of different solutions that can be downloaded and used as Out-Of-Box (OOB) solutions. They are generally small in scope to allow them to be easily combined with each other to build larger, more complex solutions for real world situations.
Simple Text File Load
This solution performs a simple load of a small to moderate sized delimited text file into a database. The Solution uses MySQL as the database, but can be easily modified to another database platform like Oracle or SQL Server by changing the Plugin Definitions.